008: Define Love, Write the Letter, and Keep Being You

Today’s episode is a special one and I’m ready to bring the cheese. In the spirit of the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday, I discuss the importance of defining love and commitment. I give a little back story on the love note that inspired Love Notes for Life and how it helped me discover what love really meant to me. Furthermore, I talk about how choosing to pursue your dreams first before settling down isn’t about neglecting a normal life, but rather reframing the idea of delayed gratification. Choosing to pursue your dreams inevitably comes with a price and through patience you’ll eventually gain everything you desire and more. Lastly, I somehow weave the idea of job applications, self-improvement, and love. Sounds strange, but trust me, you’re going to love the analogy. Well, maybe some of you (forgive me), but nevertheless it was a fun idea to explore. Any who, Happy Pre-Valentine’s Day everyone and remember, there is beauty in knowing that there is only one of you. Take care. 

Love Notes for Life is now available!
Hardcover: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w?ean=9798987095805
Softcover: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w?ean=9798987095812

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009: Creature of Habit, De-Load Training, and Breaking Athletic Plateaus


007: Discovering Your Vocation By Enduring the Perfect Storm of Life