013: Do the Work That Others Aren't Willing To Do

In today's episode, I reflect on my part-time job during college flipping burger patties. Well, more like placing burger meat on a conveyor belt and sending it through a fiery broiler. Any guesses where I worked at? Here's a hint. "Have it your way." In addition, I talk about one of my favorite customers named Karen, which eventually became an internet sensation as an angry customer meme. You never forget your first challenging customer and the lessons that come with the experience. Nevertheless, it's essential to remember that tough jobs teach excellence and dirty jobs teach humility. Strive for quality, embrace humility, and do the work that others aren't willing to do.

Love Notes for Life is now available!
Hardcover: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w?ean=9798987095805
Softcover: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w?ean=9798987095812

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014: The Last of Us & Trusting Love To Keep Moving Forward


012: Dueling with Death and Understanding the Value of Luck