011: Creating Meaningful Value Over Meaningless Work

Life flourishes through a combination of meaningful work and intentional value. In today’s episode I talk about super expensive sneakers, fun times at garage sales, and lessons from a wise sushi chef all the way from Japan. Furthermore, I explore the concept behind “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” and how it illustrates our unique value system. We all have different interests and what is valuable to some, may not be quite valuable to others. However, we all understand that creating intentional drives us toward our life’s vision. Master the art of creating intentional value and focus on creating meaningful work. Devote your life to becoming the best that you can be. Keep pushing, inch by inch, and eventually you will find the love that your heart desires.

Love Notes for Life is now available!
Hardcover: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w?ean=9798987095805
Softcover: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w?ean=9798987095812

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012: Dueling with Death and Understanding the Value of Luck


010: Leaning Into Lent To Learn How to Build a Blueprint for Success