021: YOLO and the Gift of Experiencing a Flexible Life With a Dynamic Identity

YOLO. You only live once. It’s a phrase that gets thrown around too commonly and sometimes can get quite out of hand. It’s an important part of the American culture and for some, it’s the motivation to chase the American dream. However, what if YOLO actually stood for something else? What if it wasn’t necessarily about trying to attack life at full throttle, but rather living a dynamic life without expectations? Sometimes, how we start out in life doesn’t necessarily dictate where we end up. In today’s episode, I discuss the value of wearing many hats, becoming a jack of all trades, and living with a dynamic identity.

We all have the power to harness our dynamic identities. Become the unexpected gift that you choose to be.


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020: Winning the Game of Adversity and Getting Back To Baseline Athletic Performance