020: Winning the Game of Adversity and Getting Back To Baseline Athletic Performance

In today’s episode, I go full "Mike the Philosopher" mode. Blame the hypocaloric diet. In addition, I highlight the importance of eating your veggies, fruits, and the power of rice cakes. I also reflect on sneaking into the weight room as a little kid, and how I discovered my passion for bodybuilding. It's a fun and light episode filled with good lessons on winning the game of adversity and getting back to baseline athletic performance. I hope y’all enjoy it!

Challenge yourself to grow, define your purpose, and establish baseline athletic performance.

Love Notes for Life Lifestyle Collection:

Love Notes for Life is now available:
Hardcover: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w?ean=9798987095805
Softcover: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w?ean=9798987095812

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021: YOLO and the Gift of Experiencing a Flexible Life With a Dynamic Identity


019: Can Humility Solve the Obesity Epidemic or Is It The End of the World?